Name something you see people do on the subway. Name something you would not like to receive as a prize on a game show. Name something people like to receive in the mail. Tell me something specific where you might use the motto "the bigger the better". Tell me something you might want to make disappear. Fill in the blank: If a dog could talk, it might say "________ me.". Name something you would not wear to a funeral. Go to restroom, go to principals office. Name an errand a vampire might have trouble doing since they are only awake at night. Name something moms make their kids put on before going outside. (be more specific than store). Name a country you would NOT like to live in. Name a position that most companies have. If cigarettes are the currency of prison, what would be the currency of the school yard? Besides superman, name a superhero who can fly. We asked 100 people: name a famous canadian. Name a sport where one bad player can drag down the whole team. Name a fruit that a baby cannot eat without supervision. Name a way you can tell santa has visited your house. Tell me something you would expect to see a farmer wear. Name a piece of jewelry a pirate might wear. Tell me something you do not want to see in your food. Name something you might see on a trip to paris. Name a reason a person might not be hired for a job. Name a specific task you might assign to your kids on thanksgiving. Name a personal possession that you might keep on your desk at work. Name something that parents would like their children to have when they grow up. Name something a construction worker uses often. What is the coolest color for a sports jersey? Name something people tell themselves when they are scared. Name something that might be given to kids at a 4th of july party. Give me a woman's name that has 3 letters in it. Name someone you might have as an emergency contact. Name a specific costume that a man might be embarrassed to wear on halloween. #4: Brush teeth (6)(Kenny) Name the creepiest setting for a horror movie. Name a phrase that begins with "hold your ". Name a word you would expect to see on the inside of a halloween card. Name a symptom that a person with bad allergies might experience. Name a place where a leprechaun would fit right in. Name a way you might be able to tell that an invisible person is in the room. Name something you might keep a secret stash of. Name something a mom might do before tucking her kids into bed. Name something americans are passionate about. Name a celebrity that you would not want to have over for dinner. (53) Why might parents not let their kids go on a spring break trip? We asked 100 married menName a place you'd hate to find another man's underwear. Name a superhero or villain that isnt rich. What is something students do outside between classes, once the weather gets nice? Name something about high school that people take too seriously. Name something parents do not trust their kids to remember. What might you eat at thanksgiving if the turkey was the u.s. national emblem instead of the bald eagle? Name an activity where you need to wear a helmet. Name a Halloween costume you can make at home for cheap. Tell me an animal you associate with India. Name something you might accidentally leave on all night. What might an Easter basket be used for once Easter is over? Name a movie you might watch on Valentine's Day. Name something that some people get paid to do that mothers do every day for nothing. Name an animal that you would not like to meet in the wild. Name the animal that children want to take home from the petting zoo the most. Print This Page 5 answers Name a place in the house where people store their junk Garrett Garage Wardrobe Closet Carport 4 answers What occupation do you think requires nerves of steel Firefighter Pilot Police Officer Surgeon Name something a person might do before a valentines date. Name something parents bring to their kids' sports games. Tell me a kind of ball that's smaller than a baseball. Name an autographed item a son might get for his father. Name something a lonely bachelor might eat on thanksgiving. Name something specific that might be delayed because of snow. Name something a wealthy person might have at their vacation home. Name something you might see in an alleyway. Name a piece of equipment that students might play with in a science lab. Name the last hero you would call if you were in trouble. Name a reason why mrs. claus might have stayed with santa all these years. Name something parents do not want their kids doing on a sunny day. Name an animal that a class might have as a pet. We first introduced this Family Feud question on 2021-05-07 and updated it on 2021-05-07. Name a public place where you see husbands and wives arguing. Name a word you might use to describe how you feel after thanksgiving dinner. Name a period in time you would like to travel to. Name something you might see in a store front display around Easter. If you could go on a date with any president in history, whom would you choose? Name a place you might find your cat hiding. Family Feud Friends was created by a group of fanatics of the TV game show, Family Feud. Name something you might buy at a bakery. Name a place people work that starts with the letter "R". Name a professional athlete involved in a scandal. Name something you might do to prepare for a natural disaster. Name something teachers consider when determining a student's final grade. Name a game that kids might play in a field. Name something you wouldn't want to buy at a thirft store. Name something that overly protective parents may pack in a diaper bag. Name something you might see on a secret pirate island. Name something people do as hotel guests that they would never do as house guests. Name the first thing a superhero might do after waking up. Name a U.S. city you would NOT like to live in. Tell me something people do with their old love letters. Name a place where people often forget to apply sunblock. We first introduced this Family Feud question on 2021-05-07 and updated it on 2021-05-07. Name something you hope doesn't break down while you're inside of it. Name something that people might pass on. Name a celebrity that might make your spouse jealous. Name the part of the body on a truck driver that would be sore after a long shift. Name something a student might show to their friends on the first day of school. Name the instrument women would least like to be serenaded by. Name a piece of furniture that is often made from wood. Name someone you would send a Christmas card to. Name a food you might order after a long night of partying. Name something people have no control over. What is the first thing a person might do after a long flight? Name something an american would miss if they were spending the 4th of july in another country. Name something a teenage boy might save his money to buy. Name a country that is covered in snow at christmas. Name a job that requires a lot of communication. Name a food that is known for having an unusual texture. Name something from thanksgiving dinner that would be hard to eat in zero gravity. Name something people often win on game shows. Name something specific the person cooking thanksgiving dinner might stress over. Name something you might see in a movie theater, but not in your own house. Name something you might find at a bachelorette party. Tell me a place you would not like to be stuck. Name something you would like to see when traveling through europe. Name a famous person whose first or last name starts with the letter "A". Name something teens and their parents might argue about. Besides gold, name something a leprechaun's spouse might remind them to bring home. Name a specific crime that a vigilante could be charged with. Tell me something you associate with Ancient Egypt. Name something a fan might try doing to distract a player from the other team. Name something that is hard to find in a city. Name a place that is known for having great food. Name something a doctor might ask a patient to do during a check-up. Name something you can give as a housewarming gift. Name a recreational activity traditionally done in hot weather. Name the most boring sport to watch on tv. Name an animal that might be too small for a leprechaun to ride. Name a food you wouldnt need to dye green for st. patricks day. Name a physical trait that might make someone look like a leprechaun. Name something a mom and her child might have in common. Name something you do when waiting for a flight. Name a game adults might like to play together. Name something you know like the back of your hand. Name something that usually winds up in storage after the holidays. Tell me something you do to prepare for a party. Name something you might find in a swimming pool the morning after a wild party. Name something that requires good rhythm to do. Name something a superhero could get their cape stuck in. Name something you might do to impress your boss. Dvissez le capuchon et dcouvrez la bille mtallique. Name an occasion when parents make their kids get dressed up. Chrome crashes may be caused by a corrupted profile. Name something you did every day in kindergarten that you wish you could do every day now. Name something that might get you detention. uses Facebook to ensure that everyone you meet is authentic. Name something a child might do to put a smile on mom's face. Name a popular word to describe your spouse. Name something you shouldn't do in front of the Queen. FM: Name a profession that traditionally has more men than women. Name something a family might take with them on a nature walk. Name a sport that kids play in the drive-way. If vampires had a sweet tooth, name a specific candy they might chip a fang on. Name something you might replace after a divorce. Name a place that people are embarrassed to admit they haven't been to in a long time. #2: (Blow-up) doll (22)(Chris) Name a type of music that might be heard on thanksgiving. Name something a kid could do that might put them on santa's nice list. Name an instrument people hate listening to their children play. Name something a little kid might want to decorate for the 4th of july. Tell me something a person could have that makes you not want to kiss them. Name something a baby animal might do while its mom is looking for food. Name a place you would not like to be when the phone rings. Name something embarrassing a superhero might have in their hideout. Name the sport that has the craziest or biggest personalities. Name something that is considered rude to do at the dinner table. Name a dish that takes a long time to prepare. Name something dentists put in your mouth. Name an occasion when you would eat at a fancy restaurant. Name something that is a terrible thing to lose. Name a fruit a pirate could eat if they wanted to avoid getting scurvy. Name something people talk to when they are alone. Name something you wish your partner would not do in bed. #4: Name a party game that might be more fun to play nude. Tell me something that is always in poor taste to brag about. Name a food that might be served as a side to fried chicken. Stephanie: Husbands exes (5), saxophone (7), 50 (32), woman (2) & take a sleep aid (45) Tell me something you might do if you're feeling blue. Name a food you wouldn't eat before a date. Name a drawback of having a superhero for a parent. Name a movie monster you think is misunderstood. Name something a parent might drop off at their kid's school. The crash happened at around 9:45 . , Casino X. Schluckspecht: Mit vollem Mund soll man nicht sprechen. Name something you might see in a 4th of july parade. Name a reason why a superhero party wouldn't be very fun. Name something people often put on their bucket list. Name something you keep in a garden shed. Which u.s. city do you think is the most patriotic? Questions With Points -> 3 Answers 4 Answers 5 Answers 6 Answers 7 Answers, Questions No Points -> 3 Answers 4 Answers 5 Answers 6 Answers 7 Answers, Name something you hope doesn't break down while you're inside of it, 1. Name the last thing people want to do after a huge meal. Name something your body does when you are attracted to someone. #4: Name a wood that's used for making furniture. We asked 100 people: name something a dog might bury in a yard. At what age does the average kid get their first summer job? Name something that might be made with a pumpkin. Name a hero who might take the time to help an old lady cross the street. Tell me something you do when you're sick. Name something people carry with them while backpacking. We asked 100 married womenName something you might ask your spouse to do to your back. Name an animal that a leprechaun might have as a pet. #5: Name a mode of transportation used by superheroes. Name an animal that is known for biting humans. Name a famous Mary. Name something associated with Alice in Wonderland. Name a costume a man might wear for Halloween. Kim Steal: Picture (Unsaid response: Dog- 4). Name something parents might not let their kids do in the car. Resident Brandon Lacoste told WAFB the crash sounded like an explosion. What animal would you use to describe your ideal spouse in bed? if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'familyfeudfriends_com-banner-1','ezslot_8',109,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-familyfeudfriends_com-banner-1-0');App Store Google Play StoreCHALLENGE 1-ON-1 IN CLASSIC FEUD FUN Answer the best Feud surveys and play the best gameshow game, EVER! Name something that costs more money if you have a daughter instead of a son. Name something a wife might sometimes fantasize hitting her husband with. We already had the marshmallow man explode, what other tasty treat do you think kids would like to have explode in their neighborhood? Name a situation where you would not mind having your flight cancelled. With over 1.5 million new friends made while playing, Family Feud Live! Name a famous person whose first or last name starts with the letter "B". Name a reason you might have to evacuate your home. Name something that might happen on a first date which would rule out a second date. Tell me something you should never do in a crowded movie theater. Besides pirates, name something you would see on a pirate ship. Name something people put in their front yard. Tell me something you think of when you think of Ireland. Name something an athlete might do to earn a lifetime ban from their sport. Name a candy that can be eaten in a single bite. Name a popular TV character from the last decade. I also used a guide which helped me figure out how far I am into that chapter: Whether she needs it or not, what will a woman buy just because it's half off? Name an animal that likes to play in the mud. Name something a family might do together on a snowy day. Name something prisoners do to pass the time. Name someone you might see at a graduation ceremony. Tell me something you might do after you get a bad grade on a test. Name a state that rarely has a white christmas. Name something couples share at their wedding. He hasn't been able to go into his home yet to assess the damage. Name a place where you might lose your keys. Name an excuse a friend gives for not helping you move. Name something kids line up for at school. Tell me something specific you might compliment your mom on. Name something embarrassing a student might do in front of their class. Tell me something people have a hard time holding onto. Name something people do after opening their christmas gifts. Name something that may accidentally set-off an airport metal detector. Name a baby animal that might be on an Easter card. Tell me a reason why a baby might be cranky. Name something a family might gather around. Name something parents do not let their kids leave home without. Name something students living in a dorm might share. Name a theme that a summer camp might have. If men had a tail like dogs do, what might they see that would cause it to start wagging? Name a reason a man might brag about his spouse. Name a meal you can usually get at a bar or pub. Name something an orchestra conductor needs to do his job. Name something specific you might see in the macys thanksgiving day parade. Tell me another name used to refer to batman. Name an animal that people see on safaris. Name something people like to ride in the summer. Name a performer or group whose music spans generations. Deputy Dan Whittington was responding to another . Name something you do while you soak in the bathtub. Name something you prepare for but hope never happens. When people break up, name something of their exs that they think of destroying. Name something a cheap airline might make a passenger do by themselves. Tell me a word frequently used to describe chocolate. Hope requires personal risk. Name something people do with garden hoses. We asked 100 womenName something a skinny woman complains about that's really obnoxious. Name something a little kid might decorate with Easter stickers. Name something a kid does when they are pretending to be their mom. Tell me something a man with a big beer belly might have a hard time fitting into. Besides clubs, name something a golfer might carry with them during a tournament. Name something a mom would not want her kids touching if they had chocolate on their hands. Name a tool that dad might want for father's day. Name something you might see on a house roof. Name a sport that lets athletes show off their legs. Name an animal with only three letters in its name. Name something you wish you could bring to work. Name a drink that's served both hot and cold. Name something little boys use to scare little girls. Name something kids often take for granted. Name an animal whose name start with "s". Tell me an animal associated with America. Name a job you might hire a kid from the neighborhood to do. Name something parents might do if theyre alone on thanksgiving. No matter what or who stands in our way.". Until what time does the average kid sleep in, during summer vacation? Name a place on your body that gets sweaty when you are nervous. Name a situation where you might be with a group of people, but are not allowed to talk to each other. Name something vendors might be selling in the stands during a game. Name a sport you would not want to play wearing sandals. Name something that kids usually have more of than adults. Name something a telemarketer might try to sell to you. Name something you like to eat on hot days. Name something that is usually public but can also be privatized if you have the money. Be the fastest contestant to type in and see your answers light up the board! Name something animals use to attract a mate. Can you reach the elusive Superstar level?Featuring: - 4 game modes: Classic, Fast Money, Tournaments and Live - Test your Feud skills and take your opponents coins - Over 2,500 Brand New Surveys - All-New Live Gameplay - Laugh with your opponent using our FREE In-Game Chat Family Feud Live! What might a child do if they saw the Easter bunny? Name something a pirate might have on them that would make it difficult to swim. Name something that is associated with the word 'smelly'. Name something that parents might think they can fix by themselves. Name something you would take with you when visiting a tropical paradise. Name a country that movie villains often come from. Name something parents make kids put on before playing in snow. Name something pirates might have considered to be a bad omen. Name something that might happen to a player after they score the winning point. Name something a gladiator might take into battle. Name something you wear that might be plaid. If your pet could talk, what might they say to you? Tell me something you would trade in for a better one if you could. Name an expensive back-to-school item that people buy. #8: Stuerkes: Phone call (to lover)(#3- 12), makeup, crosswords, flossing Tell me something people do at home when they can't afford to go out. Name something pirates might do when they are bored. Name a sport that isnt played wearing shoes. Name a profession that people often dislike. Name a food that starts with the letter 'B'. Name a flower or plant that can also be a woman's name(6 answers), 7. Name a country where you may need to wear a jacket all year round. Name something cars have today that they didn't have when they were first invented. Tell me a reason why you would give a bad tip. Name something you might take from a restaurant. Name something that people complain is clingy. Name something pirates look cool wearing, but you would not. Name a celebrity people would want to go to the beach with. What was the last thing you did before you left the house this morning? Name something you can win on a game show. Name something a kid might save their allowance for. Name something you would see on a late-night talk show. What do you look for in a job other than salary? What is the most stressful part of dating? Name something you do not want to step in. Name something you expect to see at a wedding. Name a musical instrument a child might learn at school. Name something you might see at the door when your doorbell rings on halloween night. Name a tool that you might see in a garage and in a horror movie. Name a trick that people teach their pets. Name something in horror movies that never works when it needs to. Name a game people play on their cell phone. Name a sport that might make your whole body ache the day after you play. Name something people check in the mirror before a date. We asked 100 people: name a popular card game. Name something you expect to find in the jungle. How would a vampire make a living in the modern world? Name something people add to potatoes to make them taste better. Name something a little kid might draw for st. patricks day. The idea behind this is that you'll clear the app from memory and allow for a clean launch. Name a creature people are petrified of that starts with an "S.". Zachary Police Chief David McDavid said the driver likely suffered a medical emergency before the crash. Name something a couple might have two of after moving in together. Name something embarrassing that you are often caught doing. Tell me something you would feel uncomfortable talking to your grandmother about. Name a place where it would be a bad to launch fireworks from. Besides a mop, name something you might need to clean the deck of a ship. At what age does the average person start doing dumb things on st. patricks day? Name an activity that might be offered at a summer camp. Name something people associate with leprechauns. 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